1/72 Sadurní Tractor & Howitzer (Boxed Set)
Boxed set containing 2 resin model kits --a tracked tractor and a Schneider 155mm howitzer. Set is completed by a white metal driver. Decal sheet with national markings for several Catalan & Spanish Republican vehicles, as well as VBCW Scottish Republic insignia. Assembly instructions and Painting schema based in Vallejo range, on box reverse.
Among the several IGC Sadurní variants presented for approval, this tractor was the most lucky one, for it was produced even after the May 1937 severe riots, when the factory was seized from CNT hands by the Republic Government.
Tractor IGC Sadurní d'Anoia Variants of this tractor are known with two headlights, or just one, as well as with or without mudguards. One of those with mudguards was depicted around Ebro battlefield towing a 105mm gun, as it can be seen in the picture at left.
20mm, resin/metal
Product safety information
Manufacturer information:
Avda. U, 139
Les Cabanyes, Spanien, 8794