Cygnar Stormblade Infantry Storm Gunner Weapon Attachment
The signature weapon of Cygnar’s Stormblades, the storm glaive is one of the best-known mechanikal weapons in all the Iron Kingdoms. Despite the short-ranged electrical discharges that the weapon is capable of firing, it is primarily a close combat weapon. This naturally leaves the Stormblades vulnerable to enemy gunfire as they advance to meet their foes in melee. Cygnar’s arcane mechaniks devised the storm thrower both to provide storm knights with covering fire and to enhance the accuracy of blasts produced by storm glaives.
Stormblade Storm Gunner comes in a blister (PIP 31069). A player may field up to three Stormblade Storm Gunners for each Stormblade unit (PIP 31019) in a Cygnar army (up to six total for each warcaster in a Cygnar army).
Angaben zur Produktsicherheit
Privateer Press
87th Ave. S.E. 21220
Woodinville, Vereinigte Staaten, 98072
verantwortliche Person:
Frontline Games
Faerbereiweg 3A
Huetten, Deutschland, 24358