Company HQ (FJ) (Early & Mid War)
includes one Company Command SMG team, one 2iC Command SMG team, one Anti-tank Rifle team, one Mortar Section with three Light Mortar teams, one Open Drop canister, one Closed Drop canister & seven Small bases.
The Fallschirmjäger made the first airborne infantry assaults in history. In 1940 in Western Europe they were used to take strategic positions with parachute and glider assaults.
In 1941 they stormed the island of Crete in the biggest military airborne operation to that point. The Luftwaffe created the Fallschirmjäger in 1936 after General Kurt Student observed Soviet airborne troop exercises in 1935, and Student became their commander. Initially the formations started as a single battalion and grew quickly to a division by 1938.
Only the best volunteers were selected for the Fallschirmjäger, and then these enthusiastic and intelligent volunteers were put through a vigorous training regime. New techniques and tactics were put into practice between 1936 and 1940. The Fallschirmjäger further developed the static line to guarantee chute opening and allowing the Fallschirmjäger to jump from lower altitudes to avoid heavy enemy fire. In 1940 the first test of their mettle came with the invasions of Denmark and Norway where they were used to take key airfields to allow the safe landing of German ground troops. They went from strength to strength and later in 1940 took the Belgium fortress Eben Emael by surprise. Crete was next, an operation involving three complete divisions dropped or transported by air. Crete was taken successfully, but the price was high and no further major airborne operations were conducted for the remainder of the war. It was not the end of the Fallschirmjäger’s war however, as minor airborne operations continued in Tunisia, Sicily and Italy from 1942-43. As Germany’s position became more defensive, the Fallschirmjäger were used more often in the role of elite ground infantry, Fallschirmjägerbrigade Ramcke fighting in the lines at El Alamein, and troops were dropped into both Tunisia and Sicily in 1943 to booster the defence. Much like the elite units of the Wehrmacht and SS, the Fallschirmjäger became part of Hitler’s fire brigade, fighting fires wherever they appeared on Germany’s front lines. The Fallschirmjäger Platoon makes up the fighting strength of your force. This pack contains 19 different poses, including flamethrowers to convert your Fallschirmjäger Platoon to Pioneers.
1x Officer with binoculars.
1x Pointing officer.
1x Standing NCO figure.
1x Rifleman working bolt.
1x Advancing rifleman.
1x Advancing rifleman.
1x NCO with SMG.
2x Panzerknackers (used in Mid-war).
1x Anti-tank rifle gunner.
1x Open drop canister.
1x Closed drop canister.
1x Closed canister rifleman.
1x Closed canister rifleman.
1x Open canister figure.
1x Closed canister sprue.
3x Light mortar loaders.
3x Light mortar gunners.
7x Small bases.
The Fallschirmjäger are well led and highly professional with stunning victories such as Eben Emal to their credit.
Each Fallschirmjägerkompanie headquarters has a small section equipped with 5cm leGW36 light mortars and an anti-tank rifle squad, recently armed with PzB39 anti-tank rifles.
15mm, resin/metal
Battlefront Miniatures
Angaben zur Produktsicherheit
Battlefront Miniatures Europe Ltd
Tissington Close Unit 4C
Nottingham, Vereinigtes Königreich, NG9 6QG
verantwortliche Person:
Frontline Games
Faerbereiweg 3A
Huetten, Deutschland, 24358