Nikolay's Steel Wall (MW)
includes three plastic KV1 or KV1s tanks, three plastic T-34 (early) tanks, two plastic Tank Commander sprue, four plastic Gun Crew sprues, one mini 4th Flames Of War rulebook, two Decal sheets and eleven Unit Cards
A flash showed where a German gun was hiding, its round parting the tall grass, speeding towards his tanks. Smirnov had no idea whether the shot had hit or not, and had no time to look about. Without slowing, Smirnov fired another shot in the direction of the German gun. As the range closed, the tanks began firing their machine guns. The T-34s ploughed straight through wooden fences and raced between the buildings, glimpses of fleeing Germans amongst the smoke and ruin making the scene surreal.
The T-34
When their speedy, but lightly-armoured, tanks suffered heavy losses in the Spanish Civil War, the Soviet tank designers built a replacement with thicker armour and a bigger gun — the T-34. Entering production before the German invasion, this tank continued to fight throughout the war, becoming the most-produced tank of the Second World War.
The T-34 has a powerful aircraft engine and excellent top speed. Its Christie suspension gives its big wheels plenty of travel for good cross-country performance Despite its high speed, the T-34 has the thickest armour of any medium tank in the world. Its well-sloped frontal armour can shrug off almost any anti-tank gun. Its side armour is almost as thick, eliminating a weakness found in many tanks
The KV
When they realised the effectiveness of modern anti-tank guns in the Spanish Civil War, Soviet tank designers switched from the huge, multiturreted, but lightly-armoured, heavy tanks of the 1930s to smaller, heavily-armoured designs like the KV-1.
The KV-1 heavy tank is one of the most heavily-armoured tanks in the world, with up to 120mm(4.7 inches) of cast steel armour on the turret. Few enemy tanks (or even anti-tank guns) have any chance of penetrating its thick hide.
The 76mm
The Red Army's standard artillery piece was the 76mm ZIS-3 field gun. It out-ranged German artillery and delivered an effective shell against a wide range of targets. The light 76mm field gun was easy to manoeuvre into position, and could be rolled forward to engage the enemy over open sights for maximum effectiveness.
Flames Of War 4th Edition Mini Rulebook (x1)
Plastic T-34 Sprue (x3)
Plastic KV Sprue (x3)
Plastic 76mm Howitzer Sprue (x4)
Plastic Tank Crew (x2)
Plastic Gun Crew (x4)
KV Turret Sprue (x3)
Soviet Decal Sheet (x2)
Plastic Bases
Unit Cards
Enemy at the Gates Formations (x1)
Movement Orders (x1)
Mix Tank Battalion (x1)
KV-1 (x1)
KV-1S (x1)
76mm Anti Tank Company (x1)
KV-8 (x1)
T-34 (Early)(x1)
OT-34 (x1)
76mm Artillery Battery (x1)
15mm, plastic
Battlefront Miniatures
Angaben zur Produktsicherheit
Battlefront Miniatures Europe Ltd
Tissington Close Unit 4C
Nottingham, Vereinigtes Königreich, NG9 6QG
verantwortliche Person:
Frontline Games
Faerbereiweg 3A
Huetten, Deutschland, 24358