Trading Card Big Box - Wood
These boxes are thought to be the best complement of collectors for games like Magic The Gathering, YuGi-OH! Or any other card game or collection in a standard card size.They are presented on wood or prepainted on 4 different colors, and two different sizes, big for +4000 cards, and small for +1000 cards; and all of them contains acrylate dividers, so you can divide all space in the different rails and keep your collection tidy and easy to pick up. All the boxes and dividers on the inside are designed to be assembled without any kind of glue with strong unions on it. Also, the dividers can be changed at any time, allowing you to change the configuration of the entire box with a simple move. Besides all this, these boxes includes an innovative closing system, very easy to open when its needed, and keeping the inside protected when its closed
Bandua Wargames
Angaben zur Produktsicherheit
Bandua Wargames
Rúa Castelao 28
Lugo, Spanien, 27001