Wildlands: The Unquiet Dead
Across the Wildlands the word is spreading - the dead are rising, swords in hand.
Drawn to the life-giving power of the crystal shards, a gang of undead nightmares have taken to the battlefield. This ghoulish team can replace one of the existing factions, with the unique mechanic of shared activation offering an aggressive new playstyle, or they can be played using the new 'Encounter' rules as monstrosities that can be controlled by any player, flooding the board as the battle rages.
Requires a copy of Wildlands to play.
Osprey Games
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Manufacturer information:
Osprey Publishing
Cumnor Hil
Oxford, Vereinigtes Königreich, OX2 9PH
Responsible person:
Frontline Games
Faerbereiweg 3A
Huetten, Deutschland, 24358